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Monday, August 31, 2009


From: Nunchaku


Nunchaku sticks should be made from hard wood, which so as oak is strong and elastic (the best is mahogany, cocobolo whether white oak - but it's rather heavily to find this). Nunchaku line, originally was maded from horse's hair, now it's maded from nylon or is replaced with chain.

Budowa The length of stick should be equal distance from centre of palm to elbow(about 30-32cm). The size nunchaku should be well-chosen so it fit to growth, weight and strength of his owner's hands. The sticks should have about 2,5-3 cm of diameter. This parameter depends mainly from likings trained person and strength of his fingers(the thiner the harder to hold it). Whereas the length of line (the chain) should be such in order to after place it on palm both sticks hang on both sides freely(about 10-14cm) - in Japanese nunchaku (the most popular). Chinese have a lot of longer lines/chains in relation to sticks whereas Okinawa's shorter - only a few cm

Budowa Every part nunchaku can theoretically be put-upon. The upper and bottom ends of sticks nunchaku apply to stabs and strikes. The upper and bottom parts of stickes were used to inflict fly-wheel striks. Median part finds applying in strikes and blocks, and the line serves to holding and strangulations.

Weight nunchaku should be well-chosen to strength exercising. Every one has alone to see what it fit him. They heavier this slower, it is obvious. Strength results from speed and mass. So you shouldn't cross the line to any side.

In half of seventies - in Germany thanks to Markus Bära create the sport(training) nunchaku executed from plastic or different the light material and coated the foam.

Traditional nunchaku can be round(Maru-gata nunchaku) or octangular(Hakakukei nunchaku). A lot of edge acts it the effective in fight.
Maru-gata i Hakakukei

Beyond traditional nunchaku are different variations:
Once stick is shorter. It is weaker version nunchaku(So-setsu-kon nunchaku) and half (Han-kei nunchaku) which occupy less places.
So-setsu-kon i Han-kei

Three part nunchaku - all of sticks have normal length. The are also variation with different lengths of sticks - next picture(San-setsu-kon nunchaku)

Once stick has normal length and two remaining are shorter(San-setsu-kon nunchaku) and four-part (Yon setsu-kon nunchaku)
San-setsu-kon i Yon setsu-kon

San-setsu-kon in distinction from San-setsu-kon nunchaku, has altered size. The sticks have about 60-70cm dependently from the person's gabarite which will use it, whereas the chain is shorter and has about 7cm. This isn't typical nunchaku and method of using it is completely different, but I decided to add here it as the nunchaku close relative. It arise in China.

Kubotai - designed on need of American police in eighties. Name came into being from words Kubota and Tai. Two pieces of plastic about 30cm length, joint 22cm string. This weapon served to defence in close distance.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

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