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Monday, September 21, 2009

Jerry Springer Self Defense Reality (offensive content)

From: Martial Development

Years before The Ultimate Fighter and pay-per-view MMA specials, talk-show host Jerry Springer pioneered “reality” fighting entertainment.

While Jerry Springer’s talk show environment is obviously somewhat contrived, his guests’ fighting technique is in other respects spontaneous and natural. So how do the lessons taught in the average martial arts dojo compare to combat performances on Jerry Springer?

Dojo Fantasy: There are no rules in a real fight.
Jerry Springer Reality: Violence is a form of communication.
Analysis: Most animals naturally distinguish between fighting and killing. The purpose of fighting is not to maim or kill the opponent, but to establish a social hierarchy. Understanding this distinction is crucial for successful self-defense.

Jerry’s guests know they are playing a game: they pull their punches, and sometimes even smile and laugh during one of their pre-arranged scuffles. This is not to say such grudge matches are completely safe; however, failing to honor the unspoken rules of limited engagement can result in severe punishment, from the other principals, the crowd of observers, and society at large.

Dojo Fantasy: A fight consists of a series of offensive and defensive techniques, executed in turn.
Jerry Springer Reality: Everybody attacks, all at once.
Analysis: The best defense is to attack the opponent’s potential, whereas the worst defense is to resist the opponent’s attack. In this respect, Jerry’s brawlers show more intelligence than the average dojo strategist.

You rarely see guests attempt to block a punch or kick. Instead, they tend to stand far enough away that blows cannot reach them, while waiting for an opportune time to rush in for a clinch. While inside, they manhandle each other for a few seconds, waiting for the bodyguards break it up. Finally, they repeat the entire sequence again, and then go to commercial break.

Dojo Fantasy: A fight starts and ends with two participants.
Jerry Springer Reality: If you stand (or lay) still for even one moment, you will be surrounded, and you will be finished.
Analysis: Despite the constant guests’ constant squabbling, serious injuries appear to be rare. This must be in part due to the show’s large and ever-present security team.

After the producers encourage and facilitate each fight, the security team is expected to allow it, and then stop to it before it gets too ugly. And at this task, they are remarkably effective. Two or three security guards surround each of the freak show fighters, and pull them apart.

The take-away lesson is that you should never walk down the street without a team of security guards. If you can’t hire a bodyguard service, do the next best thing, and never allow yourself to be surrounded by hostile strangers.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to visit a martial arts school

From: Examiner


  • Call ahead. Schools sometimes shut down for special occasions, have instructors call out sick, or run into other logistical issues that make it difficult for them to accommodate visitors. Some schools just like to know you're coming. Before you make the trip, make sure it's going to be worth it.
  • Watch a full class. It's worth watching from the outside before you dive in. You may see things from the outside that you won't notice on the inside.
  • If you can, take a free lesson. Just as there are things you cannot notice without watching, there are things you can't feel until you experience them. Yes, this may require two trips. It's worth it.
  • Watch the students move. It's very easy to get wrapped up in watching the instructor's performance, but remember that you are not the instructor. While the instructor may be amazing, if she can't impart that amazing skill to any of her students, she may not be the instructor for you.
  • Pay attention to the instructor's teaching style. Is it inspiring? Abrasive? Gentle? Strict? Abusive? How would you feel about learning under this kind of coaching? (Note: strict training does not equal bad training. Some people learn very well in under tough, strict, coaching. Just know if you are one of them or not.)
  • Ask questions. Not just of the instructors, but of the students, and the staff. Now is the time to get down to brass tacks about whatever concerns you have.


  • Sign up sight unseen. Experience as much as possible before you sign on the dotted line. A good sales person will sell you on the first school you visit, but make sure you check out all of your options before you make a final decision. Buyer's remorse is awful when it's over something like a gym membership.
  • Challenge anyone. Asking questions is fine, and appropriate. Telling the instructor about how you think you could beat him up, or how his technique isn't as good as that guy you saw on youtube is needlessly antagonistic. If you like what you see, great. If you don't, keep it to yourself, be gracious, and leave.
  • Just watch the instructor. Again, the instructor should look good at what they do (barring some sort of physical impediment). Watch the students. You may want to move like the instructor, but the students are the ones you're going to move like first.
  • Interrupt the class. Save your questions until either before or after the training session. If someone comes to speak with you during the training session, that's fine, but don't interfere with other people's training time.
  • Stay longer than you have to. If you see something that you find so off putting that you don't want to stay any longer, then just go. But again, do so politely. Don't make a scene about it.

Basically, pay attention, ask questions, and be polite. You are a guest, but you're also a business prospect. There should be enough respect on both sides to go around.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Empty your cup and Learn

From: Ikigaiway

I used to be a debunker. It was an attempt at establishing some form of self identity. When I saw a Taekwondo fighter doing high kicks I would think to myself: “see that’s not practical for the street. His groin is open and he might slip.” Debunked. Next.

If I saw someone who liked to go to the ground I would assure myself: “see that’s a mistake because there might be other bad guys. You never want to go to the ground if you can avoid it. Besides, that statistic about 90% of all fights going to the ground is greatly exaggerated.” Debunked. I win.

Even though my analysis had merit, I was using it as an excuse to close my mind. I was scared of the vastness and complexity of the martial arts. Instead of trying to learn about people and styles that I had no experience in, I simply chose to dismiss them.

In our martial training, there is a great fog to wade through. The fog is there because we each have to develop as individuals and complete artists. Some people choose not to explore, and decide simply to build walls around themselves based on the limited knowledge they have. This shields them from the uncertainty and scope of martial exploration. A few years ago I started constructing my walls, but I’d like to explain how I ultimately decided to tear them down (and how you can too).

Despite the closed-mindedness I displayed in previous years, I’m not angry at myself. I was young both in age and experience and it is impossible to understand the martial arts in a broad sense early on. In fact, comprehending how all the martial arts work together is one of the great ongoing challenges that I don’t think I’ll ever truly lock down.

I’m not angry because I was able to eventually turn my debunking habits into healthy learning (which we will slowly define). A couple of factors helped me turn that corner. First, I took on a full time teaching role at a young age. Just as my walls started to go up, I was forced to discuss concepts with students much more world experienced than me. All of my concrete solutions had to stand up to their inquiries and stories about how real violence happened to them. Since I was young, I didn’t have all the answers already planned out, as opposed to someone well entrenched in their box.

Second, I was an avid reader. Even though I started as most people do with pop culture books and movies (Enter the Dragon, The Princess Bride, etc), I quickly switched over to instructional books. Some books spoke to me immediately, like “Living the Martial Way”. Other books utterly confused me, in a good way, like “Book of Five Rings”.

Third, through our annual training events, I was exposed to real practitioners of different styles. I got to see (and still do get to see) top martial artists go about their business and explain their concepts. It was through one of the seminars by George Alexander and Rick Zondlo that I ultimately decided to study swordsmanship, which has been invaluable in increasing my awareness of the broader aspects of martial art technique and mindset.

Emptying the Cup

Joe Hyams tells an excellent story in his book “Zen in the Martial Arts”. I’d like to take a quick excerpt. This is a story Bruce Lee told Joe during their first training session together:

“Let me tell you a story my sifu told me. It is about the Japanese Zen master who received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. It was obvious to the master from the start of the conversation that the professor was not so much interested in learning about Zen as he was in impressing the master with his own opinions and knowledge. The master listened patiently and finally suggested they have tea. The master poured his visitor’s cup full and then kept on pouring.

The professor watched the cup overflowing until he could no longer restrain himself. ‘The cup is overfull, no more will go in.’

‘Like this cup, you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup?’” – Zen in the Martial Arts

When I was debunking people, it was because my cup was full of my own opinions. True learning is allowing yourself to empty that cup and honestly listen to other people. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to blindly accept what’s given to you.

“This does not mean that Bruce prevented me from applying a critical mind to his teaching. In fact, he welcomed discussion, even argument. But when challenged too long on a point his reply was always, ‘at least empty your cup and try.’”

I still think my evaluations about taekwondo and ground fighting had merit. Kicking high DOES open up your groin, and is risky on certain surfaces. But what if you have an opponent who constantly keeps his guard down. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a devastating high technique to finish things quickly? Furthermore, who walks around on ice and slippery gravel all day?

If given the option, I wouldn’t want to take a fight to the ground. It’s risky because there might be other assailants to deal with, and room for proper ground technique is always a factor. However, sometimes you aren’t given an option. If you get bull rushed from behind and end up on the ground, no amount of straight punch practice is going to get you out of that situation.

Learning Means a Critical But Open Mind

It’s my belief that every practitioner should try to learn with an empty cup. It can be very scary to do so because the realm of martial arts is so vast. It takes decades to become competent in just one style, let along being open to other styles. There is also the risk of becoming too eclectic and ‘watering down’ your core style. This occurs when people loss the ability to separate the original intent of their style with their own personal findings (or if they are trying to make up their own system).

I believe having a core style, and being faithful to it, is critical to success. However, in my personal experience, considering outside sources has served to strengthen my good techniques and improve my bad ones along with broadening my general comprehension. Using a critical mind to assess both the valuable and not-so-valuable in other methods has actually increased my ability to spot nonsense in the arts, as opposed to making me blind to it.

Why the Walls?

Why is it so common and easy for martial artists to put up walls?

The first reason is sheer laziness. The less we have to think about other stuff the better. Why not just take what’s spoon fed to us and accept it as ‘the best’ way to do whatever?

The second is fear. Fear that years spent in training might have been a waste. That the ultimate techniques promised early on aren’t going to be delivered as neatly as advertised, and that there may have to be a starting over – an emptying of the cup.

The third is business. Many school owners are relying on profits coming in from students, so why would they bother to send those students elsewhere to learn? If they promise the moon and stars, then the student will likely stick around for awhile before getting bored and moving on (or drinking the koolaid completely and staying for the long haul).

Finally, martial arts is an absurdly political realm. People’s egos demand that they stand apart from everyone else, and that their method for doing things is unequivocally better than every other way. They simply can’t bring themselves to admit that someone else might know better. Or, if there are other practitioners who are their “enemies”, they might disparage that style just to get back at the individual.

It’s messy, but you don’t have to contribute to the mess. Use an open mind toward other martial artists and respect what they have to say, even if you come to the ultimate conclusion that you don’t intend to agree with their opinions. Recognize bogus martial arts for what they are, but be careful not to dismiss foreign concepts before you’ve given them an honest shake.

Ultimately you might come to agree with something I believe – the fog is the fun part!

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Crazy Muay Thai knockout Face

Fighter Knocked Out With Epic Face - Watch more Funny Videos

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Why MMA beats Boxing

From: Coed Magazine

For decades, boxing reigned as king of the sparing sports. Crowds from around the world would cheer for their favorite heavy hitters, like Muhammad Ali, George Foreman and Mike Tyson. But despite paving the way for the new generation of fighting sports, boxing has taken a real hit in fans and ratings to the new breed, mixed martial arts. Here’s why…


5. No Headkicks

Jabs and hooks are all well and good but what is the fun in dancing around the ring if the worry of getting kicked in the ear isn’t there? Sure guys like Mike Tyson and Lennox Lewis were heavy hitters, but would they be so confident in their uppercuts if they had to watch out for a Mirko Cro Cop head kick the entire fight?



4. No Submissions

Floyd Mayweather can throw down with the best of them, but can he get out of a Matt Hughes rear naked choke or a BJ Penn kimura? It’s all fun and games in boxing because there’s no risk of having your arm pulled out of its socket by Demian Maia.



3. No Takedowns or Slams

Wladimir Klitschko can punch out anybody. But can he take a huge takedown or a body slam from Brock Lesnar? Let’s see how powerful those fists are when Brock is jamming his head into the octagon cage.



2. 8 Oz. Padded Gloves

Manny Pacquiao can throw jabs all he wants because the only risk is getting a padded fist in return. Try going up against a guy with 4 Oz. gloves and see if you don’t get your jaw dislocated by Anderson Silva like Forrest Griffin did.



1. No More Stars

The Lennox Lewis-Evander Holyfield-Mike Tyson era was really boxing’s last gasp for air. Today, there are seldom any household names to be found in boxing whereas the UFC is full of guys like Anderson Silva, Chuck Liddell, Randy Couture, Brock Lesnar, Matt Hughes, Georges St. Pierre, etc.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Monday, September 14, 2009

17 vs 13 yr old girl MMA

Someone won by submission, watch till the end to find out who

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reporter gets knocked out after "asking" for a demo

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Shaq boxing match

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Relieving stress through martial arts

From: Examiner

In our daily lives, we all go through a routine of where we all must make a living, to find ways to deal with life, and to be able how to handle our stress throughout the week, and not have to let it overtake our minds, to have it lead to depression.

Sometimes, being able to find a physical exercise routine, can take out a load of exhaustion for individuals to be able to stay in shape, and have a healthy life style.Not many, but only a few find the time to go to the gym, and lift weights, or go for a cardiovascular work out, to maintain the weight.

Many think, to study the Martial-Arts, you have to be young, and fit, and have a wide range of experience to study any art. Many forget or mis-understand, that a Martial-Arts dojo, is really a school of self-defense, and a place where a person can live and stay healthy.

Regardless of what age you are, everyone goes through life facing challenges. Either feeling like a victim of a crime, having to deal with work to make a living, to children trying to get that energy out that drives parents to the wall not knowing how to discipline their children.

Stress is an every day part of life, no matter what background a person comes from. Even those who are in Law Enforcement, are encouraged to find ways to relieve stress. Which the Martial-Arts allows everyone to release some tension than cause depression or feel overwhelmed with life. When finding a style that fits to the personality of the individual, the one important thing he/she must first remember which is to forget the outside world, and enter into a school of learning of self-defense.

Krav Maga Weapons Self-Defense

Just as any type of sport, even in the martial arts, there are set of stretches, warm up exercises before working out a set of movements, and meditation training usually at the end of the class, to clean the mind from daily stress. Joining a Martial-Arts dojo, and find a style that is enjoyable to the student, is really close to entering a spiritual sanctuary or a temple, where a person can find ways to forget the realities of life, for a short or temporal moment.

ShotoKan Karate Dojo

After a workout, and learning a set of moves, or coming out of a sparring session, a student will usually will feel cleaner and much more relaxed when returning home prepared for the next day. Everyone needs a refresher in life. Studying the Martial-Arts can help anyone to release the stress and tensions of life that can not be avoided.

Kick-Boxing Moves

It really does not matter as much which style you choose to learn, many join the Martial-Arts for several of reasons. It can be enjoyable for many different ages, regardless of skill and training, or the experience of the student knows about self-defense.

Kung Fu-Wing Chun Punch

Many students love styles that involve a lot of kicking and that drives for an aerobic work out such as Kick Boxing, Capoeira, and Tae Kwon Do. Other people love styles that only involves on muscle and power such as Karate, Judo or Jiu-Jitsu. For perhaps older people others only wish to be flexible in the joints and less stress in the knees such as Aikido/Hapkido and Taichi/ Kung-Fu.

TKD Rear Leg Horse Kick

Regardless of style the individual chooses, anyone can and will walk out, forgetting the outside world, and be able to release the stress that can cause anyone to feel overwhelmed about life, to maybe lead into depression.

Pop Up Jump Front Kick
Wire Fu Kick

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Monday, September 7, 2009

Some Basic holds





Kote Gaeshi (Wrist Turnout)

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Victim with Sword and Robber with a Bat

From: Pheonix New Times

Would-be Robber Ends Up in Sword Fight; He Only Had a Bat...Needless to Say, He Lost

A robbery gone wrong ended when the victim upped the ante on the would-be robber by pulling a sword.

Police say that the suspect and the victim, who are believed to have been friends, went to a check cashing store near the victim's house on Thursday.

The two men in their thirties, according to police, returned to the victim's home, where the suspect hit the victim in the shoulder with a bat in an attempt to rob him.

Little did he know he was dealing with an apparent ninja who keeps swords just laying around the house.

After being hit with the bat, the victim ran to a bedroom, grabbed a sword, and had himself a "Kill Bill" moment.

According to police, the victim hit the suspect several times with the sword, and caused what authorities call "serious injuries."

Police say that after being attacked with a sword, the suspect fled the scene, and was discovered four miles away at his apartment complex near the Black Canyon Freeway and West Camelback Road, after another resident of the complex called police to report seeing a bleeding man.

The suspect is expected to be released from the hospital in the next few days, and faces charges of armed robbery and aggravated assault.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Friday, September 4, 2009

Zatoichi, the blind swordsman

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Thursday, September 3, 2009


~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Martial Art Pic

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Monday, August 31, 2009


From: Nunchaku


Nunchaku sticks should be made from hard wood, which so as oak is strong and elastic (the best is mahogany, cocobolo whether white oak - but it's rather heavily to find this). Nunchaku line, originally was maded from horse's hair, now it's maded from nylon or is replaced with chain.

Budowa The length of stick should be equal distance from centre of palm to elbow(about 30-32cm). The size nunchaku should be well-chosen so it fit to growth, weight and strength of his owner's hands. The sticks should have about 2,5-3 cm of diameter. This parameter depends mainly from likings trained person and strength of his fingers(the thiner the harder to hold it). Whereas the length of line (the chain) should be such in order to after place it on palm both sticks hang on both sides freely(about 10-14cm) - in Japanese nunchaku (the most popular). Chinese have a lot of longer lines/chains in relation to sticks whereas Okinawa's shorter - only a few cm

Budowa Every part nunchaku can theoretically be put-upon. The upper and bottom ends of sticks nunchaku apply to stabs and strikes. The upper and bottom parts of stickes were used to inflict fly-wheel striks. Median part finds applying in strikes and blocks, and the line serves to holding and strangulations.

Weight nunchaku should be well-chosen to strength exercising. Every one has alone to see what it fit him. They heavier this slower, it is obvious. Strength results from speed and mass. So you shouldn't cross the line to any side.

In half of seventies - in Germany thanks to Markus Bära create the sport(training) nunchaku executed from plastic or different the light material and coated the foam.

Traditional nunchaku can be round(Maru-gata nunchaku) or octangular(Hakakukei nunchaku). A lot of edge acts it the effective in fight.
Maru-gata i Hakakukei

Beyond traditional nunchaku are different variations:
Once stick is shorter. It is weaker version nunchaku(So-setsu-kon nunchaku) and half (Han-kei nunchaku) which occupy less places.
So-setsu-kon i Han-kei

Three part nunchaku - all of sticks have normal length. The are also variation with different lengths of sticks - next picture(San-setsu-kon nunchaku)

Once stick has normal length and two remaining are shorter(San-setsu-kon nunchaku) and four-part (Yon setsu-kon nunchaku)
San-setsu-kon i Yon setsu-kon

San-setsu-kon in distinction from San-setsu-kon nunchaku, has altered size. The sticks have about 60-70cm dependently from the person's gabarite which will use it, whereas the chain is shorter and has about 7cm. This isn't typical nunchaku and method of using it is completely different, but I decided to add here it as the nunchaku close relative. It arise in China.

Kubotai - designed on need of American police in eighties. Name came into being from words Kubota and Tai. Two pieces of plastic about 30cm length, joint 22cm string. This weapon served to defence in close distance.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

MMA under 13yrs CAT

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Agility Training

From: All MMA

For Stricking, Kicking, Clintching, Submitting or Performing Takedowns…. YOU NEED EXPLOSION! Here’s a list of drills to drastically improve your speed and explosion for your next fight!

N.B: I’m not suggesting you all those exercises in a specific order, specific repetitions or specific intensity. Those are just drills that you can integrate to your training routine.

Line Drill Suicide

Speed Training

You can perform this exercise on a football field. First of all, you’ll need (if you’re not on a football field) to set up 4 cones to a 10 yards distance from each other like on the picture.

  1. Sprint from line (or cone) 1 to line 2
  2. Sprint from line 2 to line 1
  3. Sprint from line 1 to line 3
  4. Sprint from line 3 to line 1
  5. Sprint from line 1 to line 4
  6. Sprint from line 4 to line 1
  7. Rest for like 1 minute then repeat the exercise

Lateral Drill

Speed Training

Again, you’ll need (if you’re not on a football field) to set up 3 cones to a 10 yards distance from each other like on the picture. On each stop

  1. Sprint from the cone no.2 to the cone no.1 and touch it
  2. Sprint from the cone no.1 to the cone no.3 and touch it
  3. Sprint from the cone no.3 and sprint as fast as you can further than the cone no.1
  4. Rest for like 1 minute then repeat the exercise

Speed ladder drills

YouTube Preview Image


(classic but really effective for explosive stricking)

  1. Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you
  2. Go to a pushup position
  3. Immediately return to the first position
  4. Jump as high as you can from the squat position
  5. Do it again

That’s a burpees. Enjoy, or not…

GSP Weight Training

I’ll finish this post with an exeptional video by Georges St-Pierre from Youtube which is called GSP Weight Training.
YouTube Preview Image

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Thursday, August 27, 2009

10 Best 1 Punch KOs

Heath Herring vs. Yoshihiro Nakao (MMA)

Fedor Emelianenko vs. Andrei Arlovski (MMA)

James Thunder vs. Crawford Grimsley (BOXING)

Todd Fedoruk vs. Colton Orr (NHL)

Chris Clements vs. Lautaro Tucas (MMA)

Alexis Arguello vs. Kevin Rooney (BOXING)

Ray Mercer vs. Tim Sylvia (MMA)

Brad Kohler vs. Steve Judson (MMA)

Babes can bomb too... (BOXING)
Sorry, don't know their names...

Aaron Downey vs. Jessie Boulerice (NHL)

Now you might be asking yourself, "Where's Mike Tyson in all of this?" Well, Iron Mike would be a whole other Top 10 list as you can see below...

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Martial Arts Kids

From: Examiner

Children at a Karate Dojo

The United States has become a country filled with people from many nations, which also includes immigrants bringing their culture and ideas that makes this country the Melting Pot of all Nations.

This also includes, having Asian Immigrants, bringing their customs and beliefs, which had also included the Martial Arts of various styles.

In the United States, many children are fortunate enough to join in many different sports and events, which allow children to interact with other children, to work on their social skills. Not only do they learn how to socialize with other children in the Martial Arts, but they also learn self-discipline, self-respect, develop self-esteem, usually will gain better grades at school, and among other benefits, to live a healthy life style and to learn Self-Defense.

In foreign countries, such as Korea, Japan, and China, to name a few, they have other different activities to sports to such as music, to also include their education system for after school programs. This also includes Martial Arts from Karate, Judo, Kung-Fu, Tae Kwon Do and other various of Asian Styles into the after school programs.

Kendo Students in Japan Public Schools

Or some actually teach it for Physical Education classes while they learn other subjects. Not to say Asians are born to be physically and naturally fit, but their education system does offer benefits, which also changes the character of the student in Asia. Anyone can be healthy and fit, if the right Physical Education is taught in the schools, where even children in the United States, can live healthier lives.

Kenpo/Kung-Fu with United Studios of Self Defense The Akademia

But not many schools in the U.S. teach or give lessons on the martial arts whatever style it might be. Many are only exposed to American Sports such as Base Ball or Basket Ball. Not all children love to play a sport that utilizes a ball.

What a different world children would live in if they were to be taught self-defense in their own school as a Physical Education program, where it would be counted in their grades towards graduation, and have a Black Belt or proficient rank and knowledge in that style. In most cases, the parents has to take their children to a Martial Arts Dojo, and pay for lessons, than the government pays for such school programs such as the Martial Arts.

Regardless of where the child learns Self-Defense, the one thing a parent can be guaranteed is, the child will enter the dojo leaving the outside world, and leave the dojo a better person. Whether it may be low self-esteem that channels anger or sadness, not having the right physical education to reduce or maintain weight, keep a positive outlook in scholastic achievement, and to have a high respect for their surroundings, as they are learning Self-Defense.

Karate Kids

Japanese Shotokan Karate

It does not matter which style the child learns, but to find the right school and style for the child, to where the kid can feel at place with him/her own self, but to feel secure in an unsure world. If they lack the friendships in school, there is always an opportunity to create friendships in the Martial Arts Dojo, as they will more likely not run into peer pressure from other kids at school, to commit crime or join in illegal activities, and not be involved with the Criminal Justice System.

Black Belt in TKD From Ernie Reyes Action Team

Children today need guidance from many avenues, but a parent can only teach so much to a child at home, and schools give so little education about peer pressure other than D.A.R.E programs, and perhaps some after school activities in sports activities. Joining the martial arts has it many benefits at any age.

But for children, it can be a great experience, where a kid can enjoy being a kid among their own peers at a Dojo, but also be able to develop other skills that can be found only by learning the Martial-Arts. But also to develop a positive attitude towards life, be aware of peer pressure, and develop life social skills, where young women and young men, can become better citizens of their communities.

Martial Arts Demo Team
Chun Kuk Do

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Shell Shocked Gaza kids flock to martial arts

From: Daily Times

Shell-shocked Gaza children flock to martial arts

By Mai Yaghi

A spokesman for Gaza’s kung fu and karate union says attendance at the classes has doubled since the Israeli offensive

SALIH AL-MASRI, a skinny nine-year-old in a red martial arts uniform, grits his teeth as he stands barefoot on shards of broken glass and recalls his family’s plight during the war in Gaza.“This sport makes me strong so I can defend myself, my family and my country from the Jews,” he says. “We ran away from our home during the war because we were afraid of the shelling,” he adds. “But after we returned I started coming here every day to train. Now I’m strong, and I’m not afraid of anyone.” Haunted by what they saw during the massive Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip at the turn of the year, growing numbers of children are flocking to martial arts classes across the devastated Palestinian coastal territory.

Private clubs offering kung fu and karate lessons have attracted scores of new students in the wake of the fighting, a phenomenon child psychologists attribute to widespread mental trauma. On a recent summer day several of the younger students at a club in the northern town of Beit Lahiya gathered to watch in awe as Salih al-Sawalja, 15, lay on a bed of nails with two other boys standing on his chest.

“No one will be able to mess with us after we become kung fu masters,” a wide-eyed Nashaat Abu Harbid, a nine-year-old, says. “Everyone will be afraid of us.” As Sawalja moves on to the next exhibition, where he will walk barefoot over the upturned blades of several large knives, he explains that kung fu increases his self-confidence and allows him to “protect myself from anything”.

Helmi Matar, a coach at the Beit Lahiya club, says interest in the martial arts has grown in the wake of the war, which killed more than 1,400 Palestinians and left vast swathes of the impoverished enclave in ruins.

“Interest in the sport grew exponentially after the war because people wanted a distraction and for their kids to release pent-up energy,” he says. A spokesman for Gaza’s kung fu and karate union confirmed that attendance at the classes has doubled since the war, which Israel said was aimed at halting Palestinian rocket fire from the besieged, Hamas-run strip. Child psychologists fear that the increased interest stems from the trauma children suffered during the three weeks of near-continual air strikes and shelling. “Children internalise a huge amount of violence in war and they are not able to express it, especially when they feel that no one in their family can protect them,” says Iyad Sarraj, a psychiatrist and director of the Gaza Community Mental Health Programmeme.

“Violence begets violence. The children try to release this built-up energy during sports. They choose violence because it fits with their situation and to boost their sense of power and security.” Osama Darabih, a lean teenager with a strip of black cloth wrapped around his forehead, has been studying kung fu for three years but says he started coming every day after the war.

“These sports are dangerous and there have been injuries and accidents during training,” he says as he waits his turn to spar. “But we train well because we love it. It relaxes us and releases our tensions.” More than half of Gaza’s 1.4 million residents are under the age of 18, and psychologists fear the coming generation will be snared by the cycle of violence that has afflicted the territory since the 2000 Palestinian uprising. Samir Zaqut, a psychologist who works with Sarraj, says the children are drawn to violent activities by what they have experienced. “When these children put their necks or their heads on broken glass or lie on nails they are in danger. But people who face repeated traumas like to take risks and are drawn to danger.” Zaqut fears that by encouraging interest in such activities, the club owners may be feeding into the violence that has convulsed the territory in recent years and scarred its young people. “Sports are one way of getting a release, but we should not allow it to increase the level of violence,” he says. “The children of Gaza have suffered enough.” afp

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another quickest knockout, Japan

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Light Sabers in Combat

From: Jesse Crouch

Lightsabers create a world of fighting that is not similar to any single weapon known to man at this point in time. This is an exploratory piece on just what that world is like.
I've been meaning to examine this topic for awhile, but now I'm compelled to do so since I'll be choreographing a fight scene for a short film called Succumb. It is set in a steampunk-meets-starwars world.

Before we examine how to fight with one we need to define what a lightsaber is. There are numerous references to lightsaber physics out there. Many point to the fact that it is likely not just light, but something more along the lines of plasma or charged particles that are somehow stabilized. I'm not going to examine the likelihood of any of these or argue it any particular way. For the purposes of this document we'll assume it is: light, gas, plasma or charged particles. These all have very different properties, but also have a lot in common.

Should the "blade" be made from these things or something similar, we can assume the following about lightsaber properties:
  • Lightweight
  • All/most weight concentrated in handle
  • Multi-directional blade edge
  • Unbreakable blade
  • Nearly infinite "sharpness"

Comparing with weapons of this world

The lightsaber is like an ultra-sharp, straight sword that you can swing in any direction and cut something almost effortlessly.

Handling wise, imagine a very lightweight stick that cuts easily.

Compared to:
  • Swords - Heavy, lots of weight in the blade, single or double edged, can break
  • Blunt weapons - Cannot cut easily, impact in any direction, heavy, most weight in the striking end

How to fight with a lightsaber

So what would a real lightsaber fight look like? Fast-moving, single-handed, and last an extremely short length of time. The typical committed (nobody is running away) bare-knuckles street fight or even weapons street fight generally lasts just seconds, maybe a little over two minutes after fighting has begun. Most people can usually take quite a few hits and still live. You could even take a blow from a sword and survive. A lightsaber fight would likely be over after the first hit.

Smart/those-who-can-afford-it practitioners would probably wield two lightsabers since they're compact to transport.

The most effective style of fighting would probably look something like the fast slashing and hacking to the limbs that you see in the martial arts Kali/Escrima/Arnis companied with swift distance-lengthening and target-minimizing-stances of western fencing. It would probably not look like Japanese sword arts (much of what the Star Wars philosophies, characters and 'force' seem based upon). Another similarity with Kali, because Kali teaches with blunt weapons as well as bladed (also see One Technique Many Weapons), is that a light-swordsman would not wield the blade in a manner that is specific to the edge of the blade since it is multi-directional like a blunt weapon.

Because of how easily you can cut with one, your main objective will probably be to keep your distance and disarm your opponent by cutting at hands and limbs.

Other thoughts

  • Depending on the time it takes to deploy the blade (slow in the older Star Wars films) there would probably be a component of turning the blade on and off during the fight. If blade deployment/retraction is fast then one could avoid an opponents block/parry by retracting ones blade and then redeploying it after passing the opponents blade. This would create a hugely different fighting style.
  • Why do lightsabers have such a short and fixed length given that they are not hindered by weight in this manner? It seems it may also be possible to create a hybrid blade/projectile weapon out of one.
  • Gyroscopic stabilizers which I have seen mentioned by theorists for containing the "energy" beam that is the blade could make holding onto one more complicated.
  • I'd imagine anti-lightsaber armor would be quick to develop in a place where they exist. Likely it would be something outrageously strong as well as lightweight like carbon nanotubes. Although not necessarily with either of those properties. It could be like an energy-based body shield as well (like what is seen near the beginning of the Dune miniseries).
    Whatever the case, this would radically change the style of fighting.
  • Lightsaber fighting would be extremely dangerous to oneself. Without armor, in enough time you're probably more likely to cut yourself than someone else will be to cut you. Even well-seasoned knife fighters and swordsmen cut themselves.

    Fighting in groups would carry increased dangers as well.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Understanding Kali Sticks

From: Jesse Crouch

Kali weapons by jessecrouch.

A misconception of most people while watching Kali / Escrima / Arnis being practiced is that it's all about fighting with sticks. Even many Kali practitioners believe this to be the case. It is often referred to as "stick fighting". However, the sticks represent much more.

A great training weapon

Rattan sticks are used because they are a safe, effective training tool. Rattan is cheap, durable, light-weight and does not splinter. It's softer than most hard woods (safer to be hit with), but still solid. It can readily be cut to different sizes as well as sanded (to make handles of different shapes) and fire hardened. All of these properties make it an ideal training material. These properties make it ideal for other martial arts, activities and sports as well such as heavy combat in the Society for Creative Anachronism and the World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation.

A representation of any weapon

While one can use a stick or any blunt weapon as an actual fighting weapon, in Kali the stick is a representation of any weapon of similar size, shape and function. Long sticks could be representative of a bat, sword, shield, machete, mace, baton or even more 'improvised' weapons such as an umbrella, lead pipe, fireplace poker, pool cue, wrench and yes - even a stick you pick up off the ground. A shorter stick could be representative of a knife, beer bottle, candlestick, or screwdriver.

All of this goes back to the topic of transferable technique (also known as One technique, many weapons): What is learned with one weapon should be easily transferred to the next. This means all weapons, including the empty hand.

A weapon of its own and the stick historically

While today it serves as mostly a representation, the stick as a weapon on its own is useful. Blunt (non bladed) weapons are extremely common historically and, from what I have heard and read, the stick has a significant place in Filipino warrior history. Bladed weapons were not immediate parts of any culture of the world. The stick is an example of early weapons 'technology'.

Sticks were not always blunt. Warriors would sharpen the tips of their sticks to a point, possibly even a bladed point. These were used just as you might expect - for stabbing and slashing. It was common for the tips to be dipped in various poisons before battle to ensure the death of the enemy.

It's not just a stick

It's not just about fighting with sticks. There is a lot more to Kali and Filipino martial arts as a whole. I highly recommend you try Kali as an art.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


From: Examiner

In Japanese Martial-Arts, there are at least three known styles that are considered to be grappling, or joint manipulation, type of self defense.

We must understand that the styles I will be mentioning briefly, these styles, such as karate, were utilized during the days of the Samurai and the Ninja.

Japanese martial arts developed during the days when Japan and its history were always in battle among with or against each other for power or for liberty, when claiming Japanese Family Klan’s or tribes that had a deep soul searching for their identity in Japan.

Japanese ShotoKan Karate

Many people today are now becoming familiar with Jiu-Jitsu as MMA is dominating the Entertainment Networks such as UFC and WEC, and other fighting programs around the world. During the Vietnam War, U.S. Soldiers were at least trained in Judo or Karate, for the purpose of having to fight in battle in times of low ammunition, and now Judo is part of an Olympic sport other than Tae Kwon Do (Korean Martial Arts).

Judo Competition

Aikido has been revived in movies by such actors as Steven Segal, which is an art to consider as fighting without fighting, or closely translated as “Way of Harmonious Spirit”. Remember that Shotokan Karate adds a flavor of both Aikido and/or Judo, if what not, at times some Jiu-Jitsu in some Martial Art Schools. Basically these Japanese arts branch out themselves as time and history had changed the image of Japan. It’s really back to the Samurai days, when these styles were used in combat, and to govern order in Japan.

Steven Segal Instructing in Japanese

Steven Segal Fight Scene

How can one person distinguish of the arts, when they all look so similar to each other, when the audience just sees two people trying to dominate one over the other? The only simple answer to that question is to learn and study for yourself, and analyze from your own experiences, as you are able to interpret what is Japanese Martial Arts. Or in this case comparing Traditional Martial arts from Mixed Martial Arts, what you see in Television from the fighting matches, you will not get the full picture.

Fighters such as Lyoto Machida and George St. Pierre are some prime examples the audience can view from what is the Japanese Martial-Arts when used in MMA fighting matches in the UFC. They use their skill and training to dominate their opponents and use the knowledge they have gained from instructors who have the skill and mastery in Japanese Martial-Arts.

Jiu-Jitsu Demonstration

Today, many ask, what is the Japanese Martial Arts? If there are various forms, which branch out to an incomplete martial-art, then why the several of styles are mixed in MMA matches that also includes other forms of fighting such as Muy Thai/Kickboxing?

Remember that the Japanese have always had a complete form of martial-arts, except as it is today, different schools or instructors, had their interpretation of self-defense, that was identified to their environment and situation. MMA events on television does not give the full detail on the history or the understanding of the arts other than having two professional athletes go head to head to win and make a living out from fighting.

MMA Training

The difference with MMA what you see in Television, from fighters who claim that they are Martial-Artists, comparing to those who have studied traditional Martial-Arts especially in Japanese Martial-Arts, would be comparing to a high school drop out who picks up what he/she knows from what they learned out of a book, and comparing to a college educated student with a Bachelor Degree in a specified field.

The real difference is knowing how to come out of a fight without being harmed and using the knowledge learned from Masters in Japanese Martial-Arts. Also the time and training the student puts into the art and master himself to become a Martial-Artist. What you add to the training, and how you apply it, is how you learn from the mistakes when learning how to fight.

That is what the Martial-Arts is really about, learning from your weaknesses, understanding your strengths, and improving on your fighting style, either in life threatening situation or in competition, such as MMA events.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Experts in their own fields

Arrows, nunchuks, ice. Watch the experts in action. Not sure if these are martial art related, but its worth a watch and the post.

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

Monday, August 17, 2009

Ninjitsu Explained

From: Examiner

From the day of the term Ninja, many have questioned, what is a Ninja? Or more should the audience be asking, what is Ninjitsu?

From what most people know, those who wear black or colored uniforms which almost resemble as wearing a pair of P.J.’s, and with concealed masks covering their heads, is what most of the viewers can recall what is a Ninja.

In the past centuries, this elite fighting form, were technically considered to be assassins who were creative in using diverse of weapons, using concealed methods to hide from their enemies, and were part of an organization that would be involved with the days of the Samurai back in the feudal years of Japan.

Ninja Fight Scenes

The days of the Samurai and the rise of the ancient Ninja’s, were part of the Japanese culture, which also had changed their way of living. The Ninja, not only used weapons for guerilla warfare tactics, but also developed an elite form of fighting which also involved various acrobatic movements, martial arts skills such as, which derive from Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Aikido,and other forms of Chinese Martial-Arts, which also emulate Shaolin Martial Arts.

Ninja Demonstration

For many reasons, Ninjas were really considered as Mixed Martial Artist, since they had to be prepared for all scenarios of combat. Which Ninjitsu, or closely translated, the art of invisibility or the art of stealth, and their main purpose was to quickly to finish the fight even in death. The Ninja used metal and wooden weapons, which could have been long or short range attacks, even throwing stars or objects, and shooting darts.

Sho Kosugi Ninja Master

If there ever has been a Ninjitsu known expert, would have to be Sho Kosugi, who is from Japan, has made a few Ninja related movies, where he shows the real beauty and the art of Ninjitsu. During the early mid 1980’s, various types of movies about The Ninja had been produced by Hollywood, which since then, very few movies have been produced in the 21st century. Some movie stars such as Michael Dudikoff starring in American Ninja who plays as a military soldier who is out defeating ninjas as terrorist organizations against other nations.

Michael Dudikoff: American Ninja

The Art of Ninja, their history was never really had any records that date the beginning of how the Ninja came to be. Besides than having a history against the Samurai days, the Ninja were more of a secret association that would perform assignments for the government or would be considered as mercenaries.

Though from a viewer or audience stand point, they could have been either or on the good or bad side of the battle field. It’s not the art that was bad or good, but what side the Ninja was protecting or eliminating from the forces of war and blood shed. But today, after the many centuries of keeping and passing on the Martial-Arts, Ninjitsu, has survived, and is still being taught not only in Japan, but also in the United States, and other parts of the world, where ever a certified instructor can teach how to become a Ninja.

Ninja Self Defense Demonstration

From Pop Culture, we have seen what a Ninja is or what a Ninja does, and many have been inspired to want to learn Ninjitsu. Either the influence is coming from Japanese Manga (Animated Cartoon Films), movies about Ninjas and Samurai’s, to playing latest video games, which many love to see what Ninjitsu is really all about.

Dead Or Alive Video Game CG Animation

Kasumi and Hayabusa CG Anime

For many in the late 1980’s to early mid 1990’s, for many children it has been Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which has today even raised a great interest about Japanese Martial Arts and Ninjitsu.

TMNT Vs The Shredder

The most accurate film which most of the audience in the 21st century might be able to relate to, is watching the movie “The Last Samurai”, which has been the recent movie on Ninjas and Samurai’s, where the Samurai Village and The Ninja, go in a battle of warfare, where the village is being raided by the Ninjas.

The Last Samurai

Ninja Vs Samurai Fight Scene

Now just recently, G.I. JOE, has been one of the least American Anime, which had created a character by the name of Snake Eyes, who is curios character, who was raised in Japan, and grew up with his Japanese Step Brother, Storm Shadow, has hit the big screens in Holly Wood, which they both perform awesome fight scenes of a Ninja. (Soon I hope to add videos after the DVD release images for all my viewers to watch)

Snake Eyes Vs Storm Shadow

The Ninja, really has a low key history, of how and where the organization really come from, or what become of the Ninja after the Samurai were no longer needed in Japan. But one thing for sure, much of what you may see in MMA Cage Match events, a partial of the Ninjitsu moves are utilized, such as Jiuj-Jitu, Karate, Aikido, and other Japanese Style Martial-Arts.

Ninja Movie 2009 Trailer

Today, to revive the art of Ninjitsu, has been a slow process, or growing art, which many students today strive to achieve the level of mastery in Ninjitsu, to maybe someday own a personal Ninja Dojo, and pass it to the next generation. Its one of the arts that can be hard to find, but, can maybe become a rewarding experience, to understand what was the Ninja.

Ninjitsu Demonstration

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first