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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Agility Training

From: All MMA

For Stricking, Kicking, Clintching, Submitting or Performing Takedowns…. YOU NEED EXPLOSION! Here’s a list of drills to drastically improve your speed and explosion for your next fight!

N.B: I’m not suggesting you all those exercises in a specific order, specific repetitions or specific intensity. Those are just drills that you can integrate to your training routine.

Line Drill Suicide

Speed Training

You can perform this exercise on a football field. First of all, you’ll need (if you’re not on a football field) to set up 4 cones to a 10 yards distance from each other like on the picture.

  1. Sprint from line (or cone) 1 to line 2
  2. Sprint from line 2 to line 1
  3. Sprint from line 1 to line 3
  4. Sprint from line 3 to line 1
  5. Sprint from line 1 to line 4
  6. Sprint from line 4 to line 1
  7. Rest for like 1 minute then repeat the exercise

Lateral Drill

Speed Training

Again, you’ll need (if you’re not on a football field) to set up 3 cones to a 10 yards distance from each other like on the picture. On each stop

  1. Sprint from the cone no.2 to the cone no.1 and touch it
  2. Sprint from the cone no.1 to the cone no.3 and touch it
  3. Sprint from the cone no.3 and sprint as fast as you can further than the cone no.1
  4. Rest for like 1 minute then repeat the exercise

Speed ladder drills

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(classic but really effective for explosive stricking)

  1. Begin in a squat position with hands on the floor in front of you
  2. Go to a pushup position
  3. Immediately return to the first position
  4. Jump as high as you can from the squat position
  5. Do it again

That’s a burpees. Enjoy, or not…

GSP Weight Training

I’ll finish this post with an exeptional video by Georges St-Pierre from Youtube which is called GSP Weight Training.
YouTube Preview Image

~武德为首, Martial Art Virtue comes first

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